I work with ancient energy tools to support you in your growth, awareness, the well-being of your energy bodies, and in creating success in the varied facets of life.
Information and guidance are key elements in making choices. As a psychic, I enjoy providing insights and awareness that can assist you as you make your own informed choices. Sometimes it takes just the right word or a precise energy, to open up new worlds both inside and outside of you. As a master teacher, I know how clarity and precise downloads can spark aha’s inside and out. My teaching method is thorough and clear, and every class is designed to spark transformation and positive action in your life.
Are you ready for a fresh perspective? Explore my site and discover what is possible.
In Love, Joy, and Peace,
Upcoming Events
Heal & Transform
Working with Selena is a treat! Selena often travels to other parts of the US and to countries outside of the US to offer a varied selection of courses, retreats, and private sessions. When Selena is in your area, she focuses her attention on working with the people there.
In person classes and private sessions tend to fill very quickly, so it is always good to book early.
Learn & Expand
Selena’s online events and courses are typically available at certain times during the year. This year, Selena is offering more online courses and events than usual. Embrace this amazing opportunity to receive the unique teachings and experiences that Selena provides!
Hanafuda Magic is a four-part system of activations, healing, magic and insights, which when blended together create a transformative DNA experience. It combines self-metamorphosis with exquisite healing tools and techniques for aligning with your inner gifts and soul purpose.
Check out what clients are saying...
"Selena is an exceptional guide for aligning the energies and opening new pathways for realizing your higher destiny."
Starr Fuentes
Master Curandera
Hot Springs, Arkansas
"I am so glad I spent time with Selena! She looked into my life, observed where I was stagnant, and then helped me to eradicate obstacles in the way I viewed myself. As a country singer and man in his late 40’s, working with Selena has been a wonderful and exciting transformation for me, both inward and outward."
Roy Rivers
Recording Artist
Hot Springs, Arkansas
"Selena has a unique ability to say a key word or phrase at just the right moment to place everything into perspective (although I often only understood this hours or days later), and this has helped me tremendously to hear my own voice."